
Managing all the information related to your customers is a challenge. Using a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool can help ensure your organization maximizes your relationship with each customer.

The tool is a leader in the CRM market and has created a great tool that helps improve processes well beyond the sales area. CCCG will help manage every aspect of a implementation project.

CCCG has proven experience managing a SalesForce project. The aspects of a typical project include:

  • Defining Objectives

One of the most important steps in any system project is defining the objectives to ensure that all parties are on the same page.

  • Negotiate Purchase of SalesForce
CCCG will work with his contacts within the SalesForce organization to negotiate the best deal possible for the system.
  • Documenting Sales Process
This task will include meetings to review the sales process to ensure it will take advantage of the features found within the SalesForce system. CCCG will document this sales process, including process flow charts.
  • System Design Sessions
Once the sales process has been documented, CCCG will facilitate several sessions with the users and leadership to capture the desired functionality that will be built into the new system.
  • Define Lead Process
This task will help define the source of the leads, importing them into the system, and assigning them to sales team members for follow up. We will also define the process to convert a “Lead” into a “Contact” within the system.
  • User Setup
CCCG will create all user accounts and assign the users to the correct roles and profiles.
  • Security Setup
It is possible within the SalesForce system to restrict access to data to the field, report, or screen level. If there is a desire to maintain separation of data between different teams, we will setup the security groups and sharing rules.
  • Field & Screen Design
Using the information gathered in the system design sessions, CCCG will create the fields and screens needed to support the sales process. This will include “Custom Objects” if we need to create screens that are beyond the standard screens that come with the core system.
  • External System Interfaces
SalesForce has a tool to allow for the loading or updating of large amounts of data. Data could be from other existing systems. This task will include creating the necessary data maps to load data. If it is desired to have some of the data loaded in an automated fashion, there may be a need to bring in an outside consultant from SalesForce to perform the programming tasks.
  • Workflow Design
There are several tools within the SalesForce system that allow for automated flow of tasks and messages. Based on feedback from the design sessions, CCCG will create the necessary workflow rules, email templates, or other rules to automate the communication.
  • Report Design
The SalesForce system includes a report writing tool. CCCG will work with different teams to design a standard set of reports.
  • Data Views
CCCG will work with each team to create the necessary views to sort and look at the data.
  • Dashboard Design
The Dashboard features are a great way of summarizing data for leadership and other team members to identify trends. These dashboards can be emailed to other leaders that are not users of the system. A user of the system can use the dashboard reports to drill down to the underlying data that is behind the reports.
  • User Training
Once the system has been designed to support the desired sales process, we will hold multiple training sessions for the users and leadership who will be regular users of the system. If possible, this training should be hands on with the users signed on to the system using their login ID and password.