Feedback Flaws!

Feedback Flaws!

 Although I applaud most efforts to obtain feedback from a customer, some organizations make critical mistakes even though they have good intentions. What is wrong with the two pict​ures above? Both were displayed prominently where a customer would see them.  One at a...
Customer Surveys – The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Customer Surveys – The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

I am thrilled that the vast majority of organizations have started to realize that it is important to get feedback from their customers. Unfortunately, the manner in which many companies have executed on this critical area is falling short of what they could be doing....
4 Methods for Effective Customer Feedback

4 Methods for Effective Customer Feedback

How do you know when you are meeting the needs of your customers? One sign for many businesses is that the customer will continue to buy your products or services. If this is the only manner in which you gauge your success, you may be too late to salvage a customer...